Cleanliness Drive in the college campus

The NSS units of NBBGC Tadong organised a Cleanliness Drive on 24th May 2024 in the college campus with great enthusiasm and determination.

NSS volunteers from different departments, teaching and non-teaching members took part in this activity. The event aimed to spread awareness and promote the importance of keeping our surroundings clean and green. Volunteers tirelessly worked to clean up the campus. Their dedication and hard work were truly commendable, and their positive attitude and spirit was infectious. With a strong belief in the power of collective effort, the cleanliness drive was a big success. This initiative instilled a sense of responsibility and civic duty in everyone who participated. The vibrant and energetic tone of the event was reflective of the youth’s determination to make a positive impact on society. It was truly heartwarming to see young minds coming together for a noble cause.

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