Botanical Field Excursion at Fambonglho Wildlife Sanctuary

20 students and 2 faculty members from the Department of Botany, Nar Bahadur Bhandari Govt College, Tadong visited Fambonglho Wildlife Sanctuary on 25 November, 2023.The objective of the field trip was to explore the diverse flora within the sanctuary and gain hands-on experience in identifying and documenting various plant species. The sanctuary, known for its rich biodiversity, provided an excellent opportunity for students to apply their theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting. The main objective of the field trip was

i) To observe and identify plant species native to the wildlife sanctuary.

ii) To document the ecological relationships between different plant species.

iii) To understand the role of plants in the overall ecosystem of the sanctuary.

iv) To study the adaptations of plants to the specific environmental conditions of the sanctuary.

The students enthusiastically engaged in plant identification exercises with expert teachers. They encountered a plethora of plant species, ranging from towering trees to delicate wildflowers. The immersive experience allowed the students to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing their understanding of plant taxonomy and ecology.

A highlight of the excursion was the guided nature walk, during which students explored different habitats within the sanctuary. The diversity of plant life was astounding, from the dense canopy of towering trees to the understory rich with ferns and shrubs. The students marveled at the adaptations of various plant species to the unique environmental conditions present in the sanctuary. The wildlife sanctuary also provided an opportunity to witness the symbiotic relationships between plants and animals. Students observed birds and insects interacting with specific plant species, highlighting the interconnectedness of the ecosystem. This firsthand experience reinforced the importance of conservation efforts to preserve these delicate balances.

In conclusion, the botanical field excursion to Fambonglho Wildlife Sanctuary proved to be a transformative experience for the Postgraduate Botany students. It not only deepened their understanding of plant biology and ecology but also instilled a profound appreciation for the intricate web of life within natural ecosystems. This hands-on learning adventure will undoubtedly contribute to their academic and professional growth in the field of botany.

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